Renovation Donations
Welcome to our Renovation Donation page, where you may choose from options to support the Historic Spring Lake Civic Center Renovation Project.
We need your help to Renovate, Restore and Reopen!
Click a button below to access your choice or scroll to view information about Matching Gifts, Pledges and Sponsor Levels.

Your support will help to finish the Historic Spring Lake Civic Center renovation on schedule this Summer, 2024.
Please be sure to designate your donation for the Renovation Project.
Giving Options

PayPal - make you donation through PayPal Donate's secure site.
Donate through your PayPal account with a one-time donation or recurring donations, OR
Use any debit or credit card to make your donation

Mail your check or money order to:
Sandhills Family Heritage Association.
P.O. Box 754
Spring Lake, NC 28390
Employer Matching Gifts, Pledges & Donor Levels

Employer Matching Gifts
Double your gift!
If your employer matches employee nonprofit donations, please complete the required form.
Contact SFHA if you need information or assistance to complete the form.

Consider making your donation over time in scheduled installments.
A Pledge allows you to make a donation with less impact on your budget, to make a larger donation or to extend your support over time to sustain the renovation project. Additionally, pledges allow SFHA to project future income for the renovation project, which aids in planning and fundraising.
Please contact SFHA to request a Pledge Form

Donor Levels
We provide Donor Levels to assist with deciding on a donation amount. Select a Donor Level that matches your gift amount and join other donors in the group.
1. Friend - $25 & below
2. Builder - $50
3. Restorer - $100
4 Sustainer - $300
5 Preserver - $500
6. Steward - $1,000
7. Heritage Keeper - $1,500 & over
SFHA provides receipts to Donors for their tax-deductible contributions.